Good Morning!

Good morning everyone. I hope your day has started well. I wanted to share some positive thoughts for the day. I was thinking yesterday, that you do not need to accomplish everything on your to-do list. In fact we should call it a list of possibilities or a nice to do list. Usually these lists are much too long to accomplish everything. Our expectations for ourselves are usually verging on impossible. So, instead of judging your day on how much you accomplished, finish your day by thinking about what you are proud of achieving. I did not achieve all of my goals yesterday, but I am very proud of what I did accomplish yesterday.

I was told yesterday that I am someone who accomplishes things. That was funny to hear because I always think I am great at starting things that I never finish. When we looked at the things I have accomplished though, I had to agree. I do get a lot accomplished. I was quite proud of myself.

Today, I started my work day with some mindful movement and I set my intention for the day. To work on things that make me proud and to be proud of what I accomplish.

I hope you have a fabulous day, and be proud of your achievements! You are fabulous!

I leave you with a picture of my happy hellabore, blooming in my garden, on a cool, crisp, sunny morning.


  1. Dave Minchin

    Reminds me I still haven’t fixed the face of a kitchen drawer since I moved in 30 years ago. Still on my list.

    • Angie

      Clearly not a priority. I find home renovations are constantly in flux. We have a lot of unfinished items on our list too but if I make a list of all that I have accomplished it is a longer and more satisfying list 🙂 when I see all that you are up to Dave, I say leave that drawer for another day! Lol

  2. Karen

    I love this post 💖 the sun is shining and I have just written to my daughter in our “back and forth book”. 😜 Feeling good ☺️

    • Angie

      I was just thinking about that book yesterday as I was looking at my little primrose blooming away like crazy! 💖

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