My name is Angie. I am an hopeful writer, decorator and gardener in my spare time. I love the outdoors and mountains, and love to get out camping, hiking and lately biking. I am a mom. I am a scientist.

Over the past couple of years I have been struggling with depression and life. During that time I did not want to do much more than lay on the couch binge watching various series on Netflix. In my journey to feel happy, I am experimenting with my passions – both old ones and some new ones. In this blog I will share my gardening adventures, my home decorating and renovating projects, and my love of outdoor adventures through my epic trips and travels. I have faced a lot of sadness in the past twenty years which I will share throughout my journey. Huntington’s Disease (HD) has been entwined throughout my story. My younger sister had juvenile HD and we lost her far too early. I was a caretaker for my dad for several years. Currently he is in the late stages of the disease and living in a nursing home. I lived most of my life “at-risk”. I have been a single mom and lost a partner to a drug addiction. Our relationship ended 15 years ago, his story ended two years ago. We had two boys who are now in their late teens. All of this has left my head spinning, my heart broken and my soul empty. I am on a journey to find happiness again. To feel. To live. As part of my lifelong desire to write, I have decided to bring you along in my journey through this blog.

Currently I am a mom to two pretty awesome sons in their late teens and to a cute little guy who is now four. My third son I share with my partner of eight to nine years who is absolutely amazing. He has supported me through some of the roughest times and I know it has been a lonely journey for him. He has carried the weight of the responsibilities around home and has stuck by me with love and patience. I work full time as a scientist, however over the past year that has been disrupted somewhat by everything happening with my health. This is my story, in bits and pieces, the ups and downs, the messiness of it all, in what I hope turns out to be a fabulous adventure.