The pineapple vendor – Friday Fictioneers

The following 100 word story was written for the Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by using the photo prompt below.

James looked up. It was hot, humid. He breathed deeply, taking in the sweet scent of pineapples. This was his dream. Hitting the waves every morning, tending his pineapples. He loved the land, loved living here.

He looked at the letter in his hand. Lizzy didn’t respect his dream. She made that clear everyday they were together. She had broken his heart a million times. It was ten years since he had last seen her.

“Meet me at seven under the banyan tree.”

“This time I choose me” he thought. He tossed the letter aside, returning to his pineapples, smiling.



  1. Ten years is a long time to wait. I hope he has forgiven her.

  2. Ten years is a long time to wait. I hope he has forgiven her and she him.

  3. Michael Humphris

    He has done right, yet it is still sad

  4. Broken hearts need tender care and must be repaired as soon as possible, otherwise they yearn forever.

  5. it’s been a long time but glad he had decided to move on.

  6. it’s been a long time but i’m glad he has finally decided to move on.

  7. Oh that is a tough position to find oneself in. I trust he has chosen wisely.

  8. Getting on with life is so important to recovery and healing. Good for James. 🙂

  9. Ten years and a broken heart…it is time to move on. Sometimes there is just “too much water under the bridge.” Good decision on James’ part. Nicely written!

    • Angie

      Thank you!

  10. His dream is important. He needs someone who will respect it. I wonder if he’ll sneak secretly past the banyan tree at 7 just to see what happens.

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